On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 1 pm, the DC Criminal Code Reform Commission (CCRC) will hold a meeting of its Criminal Code Revision Advisory Group (CRAG). The meeting will be held in Room 1116 at 441 Fourth St., N.W., Washington, DC. The meeting agenda is below. For further information, contact Richard Schmechel, Executive Director, at (202) 442-8715 or richard.schmechel@dc.gov.
I. Welcome.
II. Introductions of CRAG Members & CCRC Staff.
III. Discussion of CCRC Mandate, Draft Work Plan, and Draft Schedule.
IV. Discussion of CRAG Review Process.
V. Scheduling of Future CRAG Meetings.
VI. Discussion of First Draft of Report #1: Recommendations for Enactment of D.C. Code Title 22 and Other Changes to Criminal Statutes.
VII. Adjournment.